Squad 7
Aug 31, 2009 18:24:14 GMT -5
Post by shuranpu on Aug 31, 2009 18:24:14 GMT -5
The day was bright and filtered through the window into Shu's small office. Papers were stacked everywhere, and several stacks stood precariously as if about to fall. The stacks seemed haphazard, but Shu had long ago realized that he worked better with his own system of doing paper work. Moving his chair deftly back then right, he avoided all the papers as he sighed. His short black hair was tossled and his robes looked wrinkled. His wakisashi style zanpakuto stood by his desk at the ready (just in case real work presented itself). Shu closed his eyes and began to daydream. His thoughts drifted lazily in and out of focus until he thought he heard something...... Was it the captain? Someone else? Come to think of it noone had been around in quite sometime. What was going on?
Standing quickly Shu grabbed up his zanpakuto and opened the door as he afixed his sword to his lower back. Feeling instantly more himself with the blade in place, Shu let his smile widen as he looked out of the door.
<<Hello? Anyone here?>>