Post by SatsUlquiorra on Jun 4, 2010 17:24:05 GMT -5
Arrancar Application
[/b][/center]In Character
General Information
Name: Kaito Kuroba
Actual Age: 470
Appearing Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Adjuchase
Rank: Numeroes
Number: 14
Kaito, who stands about five foot eight inches, keeps his brown hair messily spiked, with his banges laying between his blue eyes. He wears the traditional Arrancar hakama, and the sleeves of his white vest are slightly wider and go about two inches past his hands. His right sleeve is slightly bigger than his left to acomidate the hidded Bruja that lies within. He hands have tight white gloves on them that hide the small scars on his left thumb from his habit of chewing on his while he's deep in thought. He also wears white dress shoes, while fancy, dont seem to hold any real sigificence.The remains of his hollow mask take the form of a monocle on his right eye with a small chain that hands a little past his shoulder.
His face always seems to have a smile on it, even in situations where a smile isnt best suited. He is slightly tan, despite his sunless envirnment, and his teeth, while not in perfect condidtion, shine brilliantly when he smiles, which, as stated above, is pretty much all the time. his right arm, while rarely visible, is covered in scars from training to use Bruja properly. The scars are from both Bruja's blade, and the wire.
Although hidden by his clothes, Kaito's hollow hole is located on his sternum, and is aboutfour inches in diameter. Also hidden by his clothing is the number "14" that he carved onto his arm with Bruja.
Before his Resurrection, Kaito takes on the role of absent minded genious. He would much rather have fun with his fights and goof off, then really go all out, fists blazing. His facial expression when fighting is usually happy, a big smile, the occasional laugh, the whole works. This happy-go-lucky attitude toward life carries on in just about everything he does.
He has a habit of always chewing on his left thumb when he's deep in thought, and this has left small scars on his thumb.
He finds a slight pleasure in fighting, usually trying to put on a "magic act" while he fights. this habit has also cause him to say "Now Ladies and Gentlemen, its time for my big preformance!"
Despite his child like behaviour, Kaito is a great tactition, seeing as he's the brains behind the fights when he and Kazu were fighting 'together'.
Due to his somewhat lonely life in the kill or be killed world of hollows, Kaito now tries to make friends with everyone. Even going as far as attempting to hold civil conversations with mindless hollows.
After his Resurrection, Kaito's personallity changes to that of his former half-self Kazu.
Kazu, while in full control of their body, takes orders from Kaito who is able to project his thoughts to Kazu while in their Resurrection. Depite their differences, Kazu is aware of Kaito's intelect and tries to follow orders to the letter, although as arrancar, the process of transerfering Kaito's thoughts to Kazu and he then executing what needs to be done is almost instantaneous.
While the two are polar oposites, their team work is surprisingly good. Kazu's quick reaction time, with Kaito's stradegy seems to blend together as if they truely were only one person. After becoming arrancar, Kazu stopped going by his name and just sticks with the name Kaito.
Just a city boy. Born and raised in south Detroit. He took the midnight train goin' anywhere. That's where Kaito's human story ends. A horrific train accident killed thousands of innocent people, including Kaito, and one not so innocent person. Kazu, a deliquent who died at the age of eighteen. His past of stealing, and one count of murder that he was never convicted of, seems to have caught up with him.
After becoming a hollow, Kazu's death seems to have been a blessing in disguise. He found it very easy to slaughter other hollows and souls that crossed his path. But one always seemed to slip through his fingers. Kaito, who had also become a hollow, was a tricky one. He was able to use a form of slight-of-hand to escape Kazu's dark clutches every time they crossed paths. This wasnt because Kaito was too weak to fight, but his carefree nature of fighting clashed too much with Kazu's serious fighting nature for their fights to be any fun.
Soon, that irrestiable hunger grew in the two of them, and they were drawn into the menos forest along with a large group of other hollows. They devoured one and other until only Kaito and Kazu remained. After the grueling fight, Kaito barely emerged victorious, and he felt himself change into a near carbon copy of any other gillian, with the exception that his mask was a little different. However, despite his victory, something felt weird. A voice that echoed in his head. On the oposite side of his head was another mask. One that was very different from Kaito's. They were truely a rare site. A gillian class menos with co-dominance between two seperate hollows.
Through evolution, and time, the two reached the Adjuchas state. Now taking the form a large four legged creater with two long necks, and different masks on each head, the two would get into arguments almost constantly. Mainly Kazu yelling at Kaito for not eating more when they were surrounded by small fry hollows. Kaito would always argue that as long as one of them ate enough, then regression would not be a problem.
The coalition of Kaito and Kazu's abilities made them a very threatening presence. Kaito's speed and intelect greatly augmented Kazu's shear strength and ability to use a stronger Cero. As time marched on, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, they two continnued to eat and grow, or shrink rather, into a more humanoid form. They now stood as on sentient being. A single head, a single mask. Standing around seven feet tall, with a finely toned, somewhat humanoid body. Suposedly in this state Kazu is in control of the body, while Kaito supplies him with stradegy and insight in fights, although this arrangment was soon changed with the introduction of the Hougoukyu.
After becoming an Arrancar, and part of Aizen's army, Kaito is the main body for the two, thinking and acting of his own will. However this changed upon the use of his Resurrection. Kazu's mind takes control, although he still goes by th ename Kaito. While in his, or their, resurrection, their arrangment from their days as a hollow resurfaces. Kazu takes main control of th ebody and Kaito stradegies, although this takes place much faster than back then.
After becoming and Arrancar, Kaito was the self proclaimed, Last Wizard of the Century, dubbing himself this due to his love for magic. Befor becoming an arrancar, Kaito would always call Kazu his assistant, something that would cause Kazu to always have a temper tantrum.
Shortly after using his Resurrection for the first time, Kaito found the elaborate array of spikes from his forearms, legs, and back to be very deadly, however, the material used to form them was very dence and slowed him down a great deal. Feeling that speed was a much more important aspect than the brute force from his spkes, his shedded them, leving only eight vine like protusion on his back. While serving no real purpose for fighting, Kaito likes the way they flow behind him like a cape.
Shortly after shedding part of his Resurrection, Kaito decided to carve his number, fourteen, onto his left arm. While he had no apparent reason for doing so at the time, when asked he simply replies, "It makes me feel somewhat like an Espada." Always saying so witha smile and a joking tone.
- Swordsmanship- Intermediate
- Cero - Advance
- SonÃdo - advance
- Hand to Hand - Beginner
- Speed - Advance
- Power - Intermediate
- Stamina - Intermediate
- Intelligence - Advance
Natural Powers
- Cero(Light blue)
- Garganta
- Pesquisa
- Heirro
Arrancar Abilities
- Description of Attack - While idle, Kaito is able to regenerate flesh and minor bone injuries. This takes time and a large amount of reiatsu, the more serious the wound, the more time and reiatsu it takes to regenerate.
- Type - Healing
- Range - Self
- Limitation - With the amount of concentration and reiatsu need for his regeneration, recover full limbs, or anything more than a deep gash, in battle is impossible. Under no circumstances can his brain or other internal organs be repaired if severly damaged, or destroyed completely. Regeneration can only occur while idle, and still takes time, even for small wounds. A deep stab wound by a sword would take roughly thirtys minutes, while idle, to heal completely. Even under proper condiditons, Kaito can heal no longer then twenty minutes at one time.
Lightning Augmentation
- Description of Attack - Kaito's reiatsu is augmented with a slight electric charge. This gives his normal reiatsu attacks a little bit of a bite. While the augmentation is natural, it does take focus to get the augmentation to work properly.
- Type - Passive
- Range - Self
- Limitation - While there is an electric charge to his attacks, the main bulk is reiatsu. Controling the amount of electricity in his reiatsu requires a decient amount of focus, and the more reiatsu augmented at one time, the more concentration it needs, and runs a higher risk of a backfire. While this is possible in his Resurrection, its much harder to preform, since all of his reiatsu based attack in his Resurrection use large amounts of reiatsu. Augmenting Cero Verdadero with lightning is impossible due to the shear reiatsu involved. Attemtping this will instantly cause a backfire, leaving Kaito criticly wounded. Using the lightning augmentation with Cero Del Forma is possible, but causes a much greater strain on Kaito's mind, between the focus required to maintain Cero Del Forma and the constrant effort to balance the lightning Augmentation, the Cero del Forma is likely to vanish within five minutes
Name: Bruja
Translation - Wizard
Call Out Phrase: La Gran Final
Translation - the Grand Finale
Appearance -
Bruja takes the form of a small dagger attached to a thin thirty meter wire. Its blade is a mere 17 centimeters with no guard, and a light blue wrapped hilt. Kaito keeps Bruja hidden in the right sleeve of his hakuma. The wire is very durable, and used to spin Bruja above Kaito's head for his Resurrection.
After he begins spinning Bruja over head and uttering "La Gan Final, Bruja" Thin gray lightning bolts arc from one part of his body to another. They multiply until his body is completly covered, then slowy begin to fade away revealing Kaito, without his monocle and an alter outfit. He now wears a more form fitting white sleevless vest and white slacks. He keeps his gloves and white shoes.
His hair becomes a darker shade of brown. One of the major changes is his eyes. The sclera become a dark navy, and his bright blue irides become a tainted gold. His right iris has a silver cresent moon that almost reaches the edge of the iris, and the points line up with the pupil.
The most notable changes to Kaito after his Resurrection is the eight pointed, vine like protusions from his back. They have roughly foun inches between them, and protrude in rows of two going down his back. They all end about halfway down his shin and trail behind him while moving, almost like a cape. These vines were part of a more elaborate set of sharp spines that protruded from his body. Seeing these as deadly, but overall irrellevent, he shedded this part of his Resurrection, never again able to use them.
Despite the fact that most arrancar's wounds heal after releaseing their zanpakuto, the number fourteen that Kaito carved onto his left arm remains even after his Resurrection.
Cero Verdadero
- Description of Attack - This is the ultimate product of Kaito's ability to focus reiatsu, and Kazu's shear power. Described by Kaito as an "Adult" Cero, this cero channles reiatsu from both Kaito and the surrounding area. Cero Verdadero is a dark blue cero with a light blue center. Unlike his normal cero, which is fired from his index finger, Cero Verdadero is focused in his entire palm. The orb condences until it vanishes before the beam is fired from his palm. When fired, it reatains its light blue color, with a slight dark navy aura around it. The beam has a diameter of two feet and starts to dissipated after going thirty-five meters, and completly dissipates after fifty meters.
- Type - Offensive
- Range - Fifty Meters
- Limitation - While the strongest attack in Kaito's arsenal, its incredibly limited in range as far as Ceros go. Seeing as most Cero seem to go on endlessly until they hit something, and Cero Verdadero beings losing power after a mere thirty-five meters and completely dissipates after fifty meters. The shear amount of reiatsu required to use Cero Verdadero makes it uses in battle limited to one, this also restricts the use of Kaito's Lightning Augmentation. After use, Kaito is usually forced back into his unreleased state, and incredibly tired.
Cero del Forma
- Description of Attack - By focusing Reiatsu and shaping it, Kaito can form his Cero into the shape of a sword. Like his cero, the sword is a light blue color. By timing the release of the sword just right, Kaito is able to creat a wave of reiatsu to hit a target from a slightly farther distance. This causes the sword to dissipate and Kaito will need to form another one to use it again.
- Type - Weapon
- Range - Blade: 65cm Wave range: 25 Meters
- Limitation - While the initial forming of the sword requires as much reiatsu as a normal cero, the shaping and maintaing of the sword requires a small, but constant, flow of reiatsu. The longer he uses the sword, the fewer he will be able to make throughout the rest of the fight. Since the Cero Wave used by releaseing the stored reiatsu in the sword is rapidly released at one time, it causes burning and slight wounds on his hand, where his Heirro happens to be the weakestt. Using his Lightning Augmentation with Cero Del Forma is possible, but it decreases the duration of which he can use one sword, and the overall number of swords his can form in one battle. If he uses the swords for no longer then thirty seconds before either using the cero wave, of just dissipating the sword on his own, Kaito can use a max of four swords in one fight. He can maintain one sword for roughly ten minutes. Using lightning Augmentation decreases this to five minutes and the overal number of swords to two swords. Usuing the wave with lightning augmentation causes much more damage to his hand.
OOC Information
Sample Post
The last wizard of the century wandered the endless white dessert of Hueco Mundo. The moon that continuelly hung overhead seemed unually lackluster, its dull light barely making things visible. "How dull, how boring, how...I cant stand it!" The young looking arrancar screamed out, not giving a rat's ass who or what heard him. For shame, his scream gather the attention of hungry hungry hollows.
They gather around him, moaning, roaring, breathing heavily. Ew, one of them smells horrible. Kaito gazed at his new audience. A rather large smile spread across his face. "Well hello there, nice to meet you. My name is Kaito, and who might you all be?" He spoke in a very polite tone, giveing a slight bow as the hollows continues their mindless roaring and growling. "I see, so you are no different from the rest of the mindless beasts. Oh well, it cant be helped I supose." his smile turned into a more sinister grin as he raiesed his arms in the air.
"Ladies and Gentlmen! And now for my big preformence!" He yelled closing his eyes. A hollow inched forward, but was stopped in his tracks as a downward wave of Kaito's right arm sent Bruja flying from his sleeve, slitting the mask clean in half. He snickered as the hollow's body dissappeared and Bruja returned to his sleeve. "My first act, the vanishing beastie!" His voice had a joyous tone as the other hollows began to move in for the kill.
With acrobat like movements, Kaito leapt into the air, twisting his body so he was upside down, watchign the hollows converged and began attack each other. "What a boring audience, they arent even paying any attention to me." his tone changed to an almost depressed tone as he held out his hand, poitning at the group of crazed hollows biting one and other. A light blue orb appeared at his finger tip as reiatsu gathered there. "cero"" He uttered as the blast of blue light incinerated the hollows almost instantly. "They seem to be getting stupider as the years go by. Can none of these mindless creatured understand I am trying to entertain them?"
Returning to his room in Las Noches, Kaito began going crazy with bordom. he resorted to throwing Bruja around his room, sticking it into the walls and pulling it out, then sticking it in the ceiling and swinging around. He was almost like a child, the exact oposite of his blood crazy, former half-self.
His room was full of haphazard holes in the wall from wildly tossing Bruja around to quell his bordom. He heard the footsteps of someone drawing closer and closer to his room.
"Brother!" The familar voice of his mad friend echoed across his room as Hatter entered, in his usually fashion of not knocking, or even making sure Kaito was in there.
"Oiy! Hatter!" Kaito squeeled happily as he swung his legs back and forth to creat momentum and swing toward Hatter. "Come swing with me!" He said in aplayful tone.
"Alrighty then"" With a casual flip of his head, Hatter tossed the hat off and caught it, shaking it and digging around he pulled out some rope. With a sly smirk he fashioned a lasso and tossed it around Kaito, who was still swinging wildly.
With a swift motion Hatter was pulled off his feet and trailed behind Kaito, the two laughing at the top of their lungs. "Not good!" Kaito sceamed he the added force from Hatter cause him to lose control and smash into the wall, Hatter right behind, crashing in a cartoonish manner.
The two fell to the floor, rubbing there heads, laughing uncontrolably. However, an omninous feeling filled the air as a pale faced Arrancar entered the room. "Ulquiorra-sama!" The two had dulled their laughter to slight giggles and snickers.
"Why must you idiots be so loud every time Kaito returns from doing who knows what in the dessert?" He asked with the same emotionless tone he always has.
They looked at each other and smiled befor looking back at Ulquiorra. "Sorry Emo-San! We'll be quieter next time. And the time after that!" they spoke in perfect unison and began laughing again, still sprawled out on the floor from their fall. Ulquiorra simply twitched at the 'Emo-san' comment befor turning and walking away from the two laughing arrancar. "Idiots"
Rules and Guide Agreement
- Have you read the full rules of this site, including Xat rules, and understand them? Y
- Have you read through the Arrancar Application Guide? Y
- How many Characters do you currently posses?
- Canon - 1
- Original - 1
Moderator Use Only
Reviewed by: Sam
Tier Level: High Level weak
Upgrade: N/A